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Monday, March 9, 2015

Farewell, our beloved Roxie.


Overcome the fear of Big Black Dogs (BBDs).
Adopt them, care for them, train them, LOVE them.
You will have many years of pure joy and sincere love, as we did in the past eleven years. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dog Owners Journal

This journal is written to share dog fan's thoughts about humans in the animal kingdom. We all have yet much to learn about the life of animals whose space we invaded and claimed as our own long time ago. It is interesting to observe how animals teach us humanity (patience, perseverence, goodness, decency, loyalty, love, etc.), and the only thing we are able to teach them is obedience. It is we who have an unfinished business of finding out who is the TOP DOG after all.